Quotes of Ruth - somelinesforyou

“ I don't want to be Babe Ruth. He was a great ballplayer. I'm not trying to replace him. The record is there and damn right I want to break it, but that isn't replacing Babe Ruth. ”

- Roger Maris

“ Don't let failure get you down. Babe Ruth struck out over 1,300 times. ”

- Lou Holtz

“ I can't recall a day this year or last when I did not hear the name of Babe Ruth. ”

- Hank Aaron

“ I'm not a headline guy. I know that as long as I was following Ruth to the plate I could have stood on my head and no one would have known the difference. ”

- Lou Gehrig

“ We need just two players to be a contender. Just Babe Ruth and Sandy Koufax. ”

- Whitey Herzog
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