Quotes of Roger - somelinesforyou

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- Timothy Leary

“ Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. ”

- Faith Whittlesey

“ Rogers sees daylight. Campbell makes daylight. ”

- Bum Phillips

“ Roger Maris lost his hair the season he hit sixty-one, I still have all my hair, but when it's over, I'm going home to Mobile and fish for a long time. ”

- Hank Aaron

“ I am George Rogers Clark. You have just become a prisoner of the Commonwealth of Virginia. ”

- George Rogers Clark

“ Roger Maris was as good a man and as good a ballplayer as there ever was. ”

- Mickey Mantle

“ I guess I don't get inspired to write when I'm happy. And I don't respond to music that I don't feel was honestly pulled from a genuine place. I'm very much influenced by Roger Waters and Pink Floyd. ”

- Lisa Marie Presley

“ Well, yeah, sometimes I get a little too creative. ”

- Bruce Dickinson

“ I think I made a mistake once… yeah… it was only once. ”

- Jay Mohr

“ You know who I idolized? Mr. Rogers. Is there a market for the next Mr. Rogers? Because I'd love to do that. I'd much rather be quiet and important like him than live large and be some useless celebrity. ”

- Clay Aiken
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