Quotes of Rodney - somelinesforyou

“ The Los Angeles riots were not caused by the Rodney King verdict. The Los Angeles riots were caused by rioters. ”

- Rush Limbaugh

“ If Rodney King had obeyed the orders clearly given and had laid down in a prone position on the night of his famous encounter with Los Angeles police, 58 people would be alive today, $16 billion would be circulating in the economy and four dedicated LAPD officers who were working that night would not have been forced to endure two trials. ”

- David Horowitz

“ I had a wonderful experience recently in anticipation of the second Rodney King verdict where I decided to do a letter to the community about how I really felt. It's times such as that, that I feel that I'm connecting. And there are other times I'm shocked by what I see and what I discover… ”

- Maxine Waters
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