Quotes of Robinson - somelinesforyou

“ Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. ”

- Anonymous

“ Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league. ”

- Pete Rose

“ Slowly, but very deliberately, the brooding edifice of seduction, creaking and incongruous, came into being, a vast Heath Robinson mechanism, dually controlled by them and lumbering gloomily down vistas of triteness. With a sort of heavy-fisted dexterity the mutually adapted emotions of each of them became synchronized, until the unavoidable anti-climax was at hand. ”

- Anthony Powell

“ I just released a record that was produced by the same producer as Korn and Limp Bizkit and Slipknot-his name is Ross Robinson. In '98 he produced this record for me, and I released that and it did very well in the States. It caters to a younger 15- to 19-year-old audience, but it's not just a pop audience… ”

- Vanilla Ice

“ Of course, I started as a collector. A true collector. I can remember as if it were only yesterday the heart- pounding excitement as I spread out upon the floor of my bedroom The Edward G. Robinson Collection of Rare Cigar Bands. I didn't play at collecting… ”

- Edward G. Robinson
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