Quotes of Ripe - somelinesforyou

“ Part of our responsibility as parents, as adults, is to set examples for children. But we have to like children in order to be really happy fulfilled adults. ”

- Bobby McFerrin

“ Study is the scourge of boyhood, the environment of youth, the indulgence of adults and the curative for the aged. ”

- Saul Landau

“ It is healthier, in any case, to write for the adults one's children will become than for the children one's "mature" critics often are. ”

- Alice Walker

“ Living to a ripe old age may not be one of humanity's great blessings, but to live with gusto at a ripe old age is to discover not only what life is about, but what it's always been about. ”

- Joe Klock

“ 'Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, and after one hour more twill be eleven. And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe, and then from hour to hour we rot and rot, and thereby hangs a tale. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The time is ripe, and rotten-ripe, for change; then let it come. ”

- Amy Lowell

“ I'm not sure I'm adult yet. ”

- Johnny Depp

“ Whatever I do is done out of sheer joy; I drop my fruits like a ripe tree. What the general reader or the critic makes of them is not my concern. ”

- Henry Miller

“ Those who are born of parents broken with old age, or of such as are not yet ripe or are too young, or of drunkards, soft or effeminate men, want a great and liberal ingenuity or wit. ”

- Thomas Willis

“ The time is ripe for joy, and joy holds the universe together. ”

- Kristen Johnson Ingram

“ To be adult is to be alone. ”

- Jean Rostand

“ You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. ”

- Walt Disney

“ Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults. ”

- Peter De Vries

“ We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right. ”

- Nelson Mandela

“ Though we marry as adults, we don't marry adults. We marry children who have grown up and still rejoice in being children, especially if we're creative. ”

- Diane Ackerman

“ It seems to me that any full grown, mature adult would have a desire to be responsible, to help where he can in a world that needs so very much, that threatens us so very much. ”

- Norman Lear

“ I think I am an adult. ”

- Jacqueline Bisset

“ I decided it was time to pay tribute to my own songs, to give them the opportunity to mature and be adult. ”

- Nanci Griffith

“ It says nothing against the ripeness of a spirit that it has a few worms. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ Love is like a fruit. It may look good, but you shouldn't bite in it until it's ripe. ”

- Nick Hertl

“ Golf, like the measles, should be caught young, for, if postponed to riper years, the results may be serious. ”

- P.G. Wodehouse

“ Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting? ”

- Ray Kroc

“ Candid and generous and just, boys care but little whom they trust. An error soon corrected … for who but learns in riper years, that man, when smoothest he appears, is most to be suspected? ”

- William Cowper

“ Everything vanishes around me, and works are born as if out of the void. Ripe, graphic fruits fall off. My hand has become the obedient instrument of a remote will. ”

- Paul Klee

“ Excellence in any pursuit is the late, ripe fruit of toil. ”

- W. M. L. Jay

“ First I shake the whole apple tree, that the ripest might fall. Then I climb the tree and shake each limb, and then each branch and then each twig, and then I look under each leaf. ”

- Martin Luther

“ Men must endure, their going hence even as their coming hither. Ripeness is all. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own. ”

- Soren Kierkegaard

“ The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The world has more winnable people than ever before but it is possible to come out of a ripe field empty-handed. ”

- Donald H. McGannon
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