Quotes of Remoteness - somelinesforyou

“ Let a man turn to his own childhood — no further — if he will renew his sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change. ”

- Alice Meynell

“ The characteristic of Chaucer is intensity; of Spencer, remoteness; of Milton, elevation; and of Shakespeare, everything. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ Perspective, as its inventor remarked, is a beautiful thing. What horrors of damp huts, where human beings languish, may not become picturesque through aerial distance! What hymning of cancerous vices may we not languish over as sublimest art in the safe remoteness of a strange language and artificial phrase! Yet we keep a repugnance to rheumatism and other painful effects when presented in our personal experience. ”

- George Eliot

“ Some punishment seems preparing for a people who are ungratefully abusing the best constitution and the best King any nation was ever blessed with, intent on nothing but luxury, licentiousness, power, places, pensions, and plunder; while the ministry, divided in their counsels, with little regard for each other, worried by perpetual oppositions, in continual apprehension of changes, intent on securing popularity in case they should lose favor, have for some years past had little time or inclination to attend to our small affairs, whose remoteness makes them appear even smaller. ”

- Benjamin Franklin
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