Quotes of Registration - somelinesforyou

“ I was planning to go into architecture. But when I arrived, architecture was filled up. Acting was right next to it, so I signed up for acting instead. ”

- Tom Selleck

“ A large part of the people in Hollywood are sheep - and I don't say that unkindly, I say that politically - if Spielberg and Streisand and Geffen and the others were Republicans tomorrow, you would see a shortage of paper to try and change registrations. ”

- Jerry Doyle

“ I suggest three things a) every state should require photo Id to vote. We demand it to board planes and rent a video at Blockbuster. Why not when voting? B) Clear statewide registration lists that can be pruned of ineligible names and which can be compared with those in other states to weed out duplicates… ”

- John Fund
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