Quotes of Refer - somelinesforyou

“ There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is that of ethics; I refer to the infinite. ”

- Jorge Luis Borges

“ As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ My next project will be a Christian album, another one. I wrote the songs for the ones you're referring to, but I want to do some of my old gospel favorites. That's what my next album's going to be. ”

- Charlie Daniels

“ The title refers to the wife's calling for a lost puppy, yet it is clear that hers is in truth a cri de cur for the unassuageable pain of growing old before she has even grown up. ”

- William A. Henry III

“ It's nice to come into a town and be referred to as the manager of the Cleveland Indians instead of as the first black manager. ”

- Frank Robinson

“ Actually, I only have a few friends in real life. And when I say friends, I'm referring to those people who I've known since the 1960s. ”

- Jean Reno

“ It is the very essence of good leadership to give away all credit for positive achievement, to identify only team goals and always to refer to them as such. ”

- Joe Klock

“ The present, like a note in music, is nothing but as it appertains to what is past and what is to come. ”

- Walter Savage Landor

“ Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind. ”

- Unknown

“ Considered logically this concept is not identical with the totality of sense impressions referred to; but it is an arbitrary creation of the human mind. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ Every trait of beauty may be referred to some virtue, as to innocence, candor, generosity, modesty, or heroism. ”

- John Christian Bovee

“ When we speak the word "life," it must be understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach. ”

- Antonin Artaud

“ I was probably the only revolutionary referred to as cute. ”

- Abbie Hoffman

“ Our Lord never referred to unanswered prayer; he taught that prayers are always answered. He ever implied that prayers were answered rightly because of the Heavenly Father's wisdom. ”

- Oswald Chambers

“ Referring to the bad sun conditions in left field at the stadium: It gets late out there early. ”

- Yogi Berra

“ Among the virtues and vices that make up the British character, we have one vice, at least, that Americans ought to view with sympathy. For they appear to be the only people who share it with us. I mean our worship of the antique. I do not refer to beauty or even historical association… ”

- William Golding

“ The word 'hero' has been bandied about a lot to refer to anyone killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. But anyone who voluntarily goes to Afghanistan or Iraq is fighting for an evil cause under an evil commander in chief. ”

- Ted Rall

“ The settler makes history and is conscious of making it. And because he constantly refers to the history of his mother country, he clearly indicates that he himself is the extension of that mother country. Thus the history which he writes is not the history of the country which he plunders but the history of his own nation in regard to all that she skims off, all that she violates and starves. ”

- Frantz Fanon

“ Whenever someone refers to me as someone "who happens to be black," I wonder if they realize that both my parents are black. If I had turned out to be Scandinavian or Chinese, people would have wondered what was going on. ”

- Thomas Sowell

“ In general, I tend to favor teachers over school boards in conflicts. Not that teachers are always right but school boards are often used by the politically ambitious as a step up the ladder. The politically ambitious rarely become kindergarten teachers. ”

- Jon Carroll

“ As far as democracy is concerned, I think that there are still some steps that should be taken in time. I am particularly referring to the party system, where it is not a question of individuals but of a smaller number of parties with ideas and with plans that could excite and gain the support of many segments of the population… ”

- King Hussein I

“ I would like to apologize for referring to George W. Bush as a 'deserter.' What I meant to say is that George W. Bush is a deserter, an election thief, a drunk driver, a WMD liar, and a functional illiterate. And he poops his pants. ”

- Michael Moore

“ We have the highest graduation rates, the broadest health care access, and the greatest level of home ownership and workforce participation in the country. And we did it all with a small population in a cold state that coastal big shots refer to as fly-over land. ”

- Timothy Pawlenty

“ Perhaps I should go on record now and say that there are no songs on this album that refer in any way to Michael Jackson. Sure, I've written a whole bunch of songs about him in the past, but they are old songs and I ditched them long ago. ”

- Lisa Marie Presley

“ The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can't eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as 'progress', doesn't spread. ”

- Andy Rooney

“ We do not go to bed in single pairs; even if we choose not to refer to them, we still drag there with us the cultural impedimenta of our social class, our parents lives, our bank balances, our sexual and emotional expectations, our whole biographies — all the bits and pieces of our unique existences. ”

- Angela Carter

“ The stage is a concrete physical place which asks to be filled, and to be given its own concrete language to speak. I say that this concrete language, intended for the senses and independent of speech, has first to satisfy the senses, that there is a poetry of the senses as there is a poetry of language, and that this concrete physical language to which I refer is truly theatrical only to the degree that the thoughts it expresses are beyond the reach of the spoken language… ”

- Antonin Artaud

“ Far from being a material world, this is a psychic world, which allows us to make only indirect and hypothetical inferences about the real nature of matter. The psychic, alone has immediate reality, and this includes all forms of the psychic, even "unreal" ideas and thoughts which refer to nothing "external… ”

- Carl Gustav Jung

“ The anatta theory denies the existence of a self only when the word self is taken to refer to some thing in addition to the groups of factors making up a person. The conviction that there is a substantial self is the root-cause of suffering, for this results in the attitude that underlies and makes possible the attachment of the various processes to a self… ”

- John M. Koller

“ Freedom requires the capacity to accept, bear and live constructively with anxiety. I refer of course to the normal anxiety all of us experience at every step in our psychological growth as well as in this upset contemporary world. To be free means to face and bear anxiety; to run away from anxiety means automatically to surrender one's freedom. ”

- Rollo May
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