Quotes of Recognizable - somelinesforyou

“ Fate rules the affairs of mankind with no recognizable order. ”

- Seneca

“ Fate rules the affairs of men, with no recognizable order. ”

- Marcus Annaeus Seneca

“ Boxing is a rather amorphous body, though recognizable because it is headless. ”

- Bob Verdi

“ There is a certain age at which a child looks at you in all earnestness and delivers a long, pleased speech in all the true inflections of spoken English, but with not one recognizable syllable. There is no way you can tell the child that if language had been a melody, he had mastered it and done well, but that since it was in fact a sense, he had botched it utterly. ”

- Annie Dillard

“ I was once the typical daughter, then the easily recognizable wife, and then the quintessential mother. I seem always to have reminded people of someone in their family. Perhaps I am just the triumph of Plain Jane. ”

- Helen Hayes
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