Quotes of Railing - somelinesforyou

“ Most men who rail against women are railing at one woman only. ”

- Remy de Gourmont

“ Railing and praising were his usual themes; and both showed his judgment in extremes. Either over violent or over civil, so everyone to him was either god or devil. ”

- John Dryden

“ Since we cannot attain unto it, let us revenge ourselves with railing against it. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ Much of the ill-tempered railing against women that has characterized the popular writing of the last two years is a half-hearted attempt to find a way back to a more balanced relationship between our biological selves and the world we have built. So women are scolded both for being mothers and for not being mothers, for wanting to eat their cake and have it too, and for not wanting to eat their cake and have it too. ”

- Margaret Mead
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