Quotes of Prowess - somelinesforyou

“ The great virtue in life is real courage that knows how to face facts and live beyond them. ”

- D. H. Lawrence

“ I am convinced that one of the biggest factors in success is the courage to undertake something. ”

- James A. Worsham

“ The best way out of a problem is through it. ”

- Unknown

“ Act, and God will act. ”

- Joan of Arc

“ The brave venture anything. ”

- Unknown

“ The brave venture anything. ”

- Unknown

“ Fearlessness is the first requisite of the spiritual life. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ The world's male chivalry has perished out, but women are knights-errant to the last; and, if Cervantes had been greater still, he had made his Don a Donna. ”

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“ Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen! ”

- Martin Luther

“ Courage is a peculiar kind of fear. ”

- Charles Kennedy

“ Fortune and love favor the brave. ”

- Ovid

“ Be your own hero, it's cheaper than a movie ticket. ”

- Doug Horton

“ A hero is someone right who doesn't change. ”

- George Foreman

“ Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes. ”

- Bertolt Brecht

“ There is another side to chivalry. If it dispenses leniency, it may with equal justification invoke control. ”

- Freda Adler
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