Quotes of Provoking - somelinesforyou

“ Every suggested idea produces a corresponding physical reaction. Every idea constantly repeated ends by being engraved upon the brain, provoking the act which corresponds to that idea. ”

- Scott Reed

“ It is not he who gives abuse that affronts, but the view that we take of it as insulting; so that when one provokes you it is your own opinion which is provoking. ”

- Epictetus

“ An ideal museum show would be a mating of Brideshead Revisited with House and Garden. provoking intense and pleasurable nostalgia for a past that none of its audience has had. ”

- Robert Hughes

“ I hate what I would call the whorish provoking of tears, and I hate feeling that I've been tricked into crying when I see a film. And I cry at the drop of a hat — pathetic! ”

- Kristin Scott Thomas

“ As her sons have seen her: the mother in patriarchy: controlling, erotic, castrating, heart-suffering, guilt-ridden, and guilt-provoking; a marble brow, a huge breast, an avid cave; between her legs snakes, swamp-grass, or teeth; on her lap a helpless infant or a martyred son… ”

- Adrienne Rich
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