Quotes of Protecting - somelinesforyou

“ When actors are being defensive and defending their position, that is when you get less than good acting. ”

- John Boorman

“ When I tell any truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those who do. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ As a governor, I am naturally inclined to focus on the domestic side of protecting the United States. ”

- Bill Owens

“ When men talk about defense, they always claim to be protecting women and children, but they never ask the women and children what they think. ”

- Patricia Schroeder

“ Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ In America the government took the land from the Indians and then established laws protecting private property. ”

- Alvin Poussaint

“ You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ My main philosophy is that my money is a loan from God. I'm in charge of it. I'm responsible for investing it, giving some of it away, providing for my family and protecting it. ”

- Orel Hersbirer

“ A government, for protecting business only, is but a carcass, and soon falls by its own corruption and decay. ”

- Amos Bronson Alcott

“ It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But, it is never gone. ”

- Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

“ You can protect your liberties in this world only by protecting the other man's freedom. You can be free only if I am free. ”

- Clarence Darrow

“ We are so appreciative of the men and women in uniform who are protecting us, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq or on ships around the world. For our security, they are taking the offensive to the terrorists overseas. ”

- George Allen

“ Newborn ideas are fragile, like babies. They need nurturing, protecting, patience, loving, commitment. They require you to sit up with them at night, fret over their futures, watch them grow. And like babies, they can't be hurried. They unfurl and blossom in their own time. ”

- Doug Hall

“ But I warn my colleagues that we will fail in our efforts to protect the homeland if we do not take additional steps to avoid a trade-off between protecting ourselves against terrorists attacks and preparing for and responding to natural disasters. ”

- David E. Price

“ We do not have the luxury of two big oceans protecting us as we have had in the past, for we now have a new kind of enemy who deals with stealthiness. Our ability to protect ourselves is having the information ahead of time so we can thwart the attack. ”

- Bill Nelson

“ Security is still the most important issue facing Washington state residents and millions of Americans - the security of having a job, of access to affordable health care, of a quality education, and of protecting our homeland and defending our nation. ”

- Patty Murray

“ Over the years, we have come to identify quality in a college not by whom it serves but by how many students it excludes. Let us not be a sacred priesthood protecting the temple, but rather the fulfillers of dreams. ”

- Robert J. Kibbee

“ That great, overgrown lummox of a Colonel McCormick, mediocre in ability, less than average in brains and a damn physical coward in spite of his size, sitting in the tower of the Tribune building with his guards protecting him while he squirts sewage at men whom he happens to dislike. ”

- Harold L. Ickes

“ Never has any one been less a priest than Jesus, never a greater enemy of forms, which stifle religion under the pretext of protecting it. By this we are all his disciples and his successors; by this he has laid the eternal foundation-stone of true religion; and if religion is essential to humanity, he has by this deserved the Divine rank the world has accorded him. ”

- Ernest Renan

“ Today I call upon the Congress to promptly pass, and to send to the states for ratification, an amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of man and woman as husband and wife. ”

- George W. Bush
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