Quotes of Prosecutor - somelinesforyou

“ This assumption is mostly true-most people accused of a crime are criminals-but not always. I was accused of crime by someone I never met, in a city I had never been to… It was on its way to the prosecutor. Only thanks to divine providence and an amazing lawyer was I able to deal with it. ”

- Tucker Carlson

“ I am a veteran, I fought in a war. I've been a prosecutor. I've sent people to jail for the rest of their life. ”

- John F. Kerry

“ The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff. ”

- Legal Maxim

“ While few judges or prosecutors would be afraid to exercise their perfectly legitimate discretion in favour of an ordinary man, not to mention a minority group member, most would be terrified to exercise the same discretion for someone politically, financially or socially powerful. ”

- Conrad Black

“ Avoid boring, conventional people like death is what we are going to do. I'd rather have someone with a facial twitch with something interesting to say than the prettiest former federal prosecutor in all of Los Angeles. ”

- Tucker Carlson
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