Quotes of Progression - somelinesforyou

“ In the span of my own lifetime I observed such wondrous progress in plant evolution that I look forward optimistically to a healthy, happy world as soon as its children are taught the principles of simple and rational living. ”

- Luther Burbank

“ Let us labor for that larger and larger comprehension of truth, that more and more thorough repudiation of error, which shall make the history of mankind a series of ascending developments. ”

- Horace Mann

“ The path of social advancement is, and must be, strewn with broken friendships. ”

- H.G. Wells

“ Why is it so painful to watch a person sink? Because there is something unnatural in it, for nature demands personal progress, evolution, and every backward step means wasted energy. ”

- Johan August Strindberg

“ There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures. ”

- Josiah Gilbert Holland

“ There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, and all things in succession. That which grows slowly endures. ”

- J. G. Holland

“ Progress - the stride of God! ”

- Victor Hugo

“ Progress has not followed a straight ascending line, but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution and dissolution. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ Progress has not followed a straight ascending line, but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution and dissolution. ”

- Henry George

“ There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words. ”

- Thomas Reid

“ Spencer's god was Evolution, sometimes also called Progress. ”

- Talcott Parsons

“ I think we've definitely made progress over there. ”

- Jessica Lynch

“ There's been some progress, but obviously we want to see some more. ”

- Gordon Brown

“ If we're not going to make progress, we're not going to be here. ”

- Christopher Hill

“ I can't say really that there has been progress. ”

- Christopher Hill

“ Progress is the stride of God. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory. ”

- Alfred North Whitehead

“ I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression. ”

- Margaret Witter Fuller

“ There is a tendency in nature to the continued progression of certain classes of varieties further and further from the original type. ”

- Alfred Russel Wallace

“ Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ The entire history of science is a progression of exploded fallacies. ”

- Ayn Rand

“ The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions. ”

- Andre Maurois

“ I have lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression. ”

- Margaret Witter Fuller

“ Change is the watchword of progression. When we tire of well-worn ways, we seek for new. This restless craving in the souls of men spurs them to climb, and to seek the mountain view. ”

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“ You walk through a series of arches, so to speak, and then, presently, at the end of a corridor, a door opens and you see backward through time, and you feel the flow of time, and realize you are only part of a great nameless procession. ”

- John Huston

“ A film is — or should be — more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. ”

- Stanley Kubrick

“ Think of the steady, reassuring rhythm of the natural world — the ebb and flow of the tides, the recurring cycle of the the four seasons, the monthly phases of the moon, and the daily progression from day into night. Rhythm needs to be the cornerstone in our personal world as well…Restoring rhythm to the way you conduct your affairs can bring you contentment and a sense of well-being that will nurture and sustain you when the cares of the world can't be left behind. ”

- Sarah Ban Breathnach

“ Writing is a question of finding a certain rhythm. I compare it to the rhythms of jazz. Much of the time life is a sort of rhythmic progression of three characters. If one tells oneself that life is like that, one feels it less arbitrary. ”

- Françoise Sagan

“ There is a progression of understanding vis-a-vis pro football that varies drastically with the factor of distance — physical, emotional, intellectual and every other way. Which is exactly the way it should be, in the eyes of the amazingly small number of people who own and control the game, because it is this finely managed distance factor that accounts for the high-profit mystique that blew the sacred institution of baseball off its "national pastime" pedestal in less than fifteen years. ”

- Hunter S. Thompson
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