Quotes of Problematic - somelinesforyou

“ The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet. ”

- Adrienne Rich

“ Anderson's muckraking is one of debatable ends constantly used to justify questionable works. ”

- Thomas Griffith

“ Since the most important element of any concept is that its originating question be appropriately framed, any theory demanding an explanation for homosexuality is a problematic one because it maintains our existence as a category of deviance. I mean, no one is running around trying to figure out why some people like sports, for example. ”

- Sarah Schulman

“ But there is something seriously problematic about radicals and progressives in American politics. Some say it's the two-party system that squashes third parties. Some say that it's the potentiality or expanse of the middle class that marginalizes people that want to reform the system itself… ”

- Tom Hayden
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