Quotes of Priceless - somelinesforyou

“ A human being is so irreplaceable. So valuable and so unique. ”

- Goran Persson

“ How important is the heart! It is there that character is formed. It alone holds the secrets of true success. It's treasures are priceless — but they can be stolen. ”

- Chuck Swindoll

“ Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back. ”

- Harvey Mackay

“ Every day we live is a priceless gift of God, loaded with possibilities to learn something new, to gain fresh insights into His great truths. ”

- Dale Evans

“ Your ideas are like diamonds without the refining process, they are just a dirty rock, but by cutting away the impurities, they become priceless. ”

- Paul Kearly

“ No objects of value… are worth risking the priceless experience of waking up one more day. ”

- Jack Smith

“ Love is a priceless commodity. It's the only thing you can give away and still keep. ”

- Unknown

“ Its the little things that matter, that add up in the end, with the priceless thrilling magic found only in a friend. ”

- Elizabeth Dunphy

“ Ideas are a dime a dozen, they are worthless; but people who put their ideas into action are priceless. ”

- Unknown

“ Hopes are planted in friendship's garden where dreams blossom into priceless treasures. ”

- Unknown

“ God has been so lavish in his gifts that you can lose some priceless ones, the equivalent of whole kingdoms, and still be indecently rich. ”

- Wilfrid Heed

“ Friendship is a priceless treasure never to be bought or sold — it can only be cherished. ”

- Unknown

“ A Friend is a treasure, more precious than Gold. For love shared is priceless, and never grows old. ”

- Unknown

“ Security is the priceless product of freedom. Only the strong can be secure, and only in freedom can men produce those material resources which can secure them from want at home and against aggression from abroad. ”

- B. E. Hutchinson

“ In each man there is a priceless treasure that is in no other… Every man's foremost task is the actualization of his unique, unprecedented and never-recurring potentialities, and not the repetition of something that another, and be it even the greatest, has already achieved. ”

- Martin Buber

“ Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment — the most priceless of human treasures — are available to all among us, without exception, who make things happen — who make *good* things happen — in the world around them. ”

- Joe Klock

“ Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world. And as you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquillity, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and Tranquillity to Earth. For one priceless moment, in the whole history of man, all the people on this Earth are truly one… ”

- Richard Milhous Nixon

“ To have built oneself into the structure of undying institutions, to have aided in the development of these priceless instruments of civilization, is to have lived, not in vain, but to have lived in perpetuity. ”

- Elihu Root

“ The psychotherapist learns little or nothing from his successes. They mainly confirm him in his mistakes, while his failures, on the other hand, are priceless experiences in that they not only open up the way to a deeper truth, but force him to change his views and methods. ”

- Carl Jung

“ The chief executive who knows his strengths and weaknesses as a leader is likely to be far more effective than the one who remains blind to them. He also is on the road to humility — that priceless attitude of openness to life that can help a manager absorb mistakes, failures, or personal shortcomings. ”

- John Adair
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