Quotes of Pretender - somelinesforyou

“ The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that. ”

- Pearl Bailey

“ There is no arguing with the pretenders to a divine knowledge and to a divine mission. They are possessed with the sin of pride, they have yielded to the perennial temptation. ”

- Walter Lippmann

“ There are some frauds so well conducted that it would be stupidity not to be deceived by them. ”

- Charles Caleb Colton

“ The more gross the fraud, the more glibly will it go down and the more greedily will it be swallowed, since folly will always find faith wherever imposters will find impudence. ”

- Christian Nestell Bovee

“ All frauds, like the wall daubed with untempered mortar... always tend to the decay of what they are devised to support. ”

- Richard Whately
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