Quotes of Premiere - somelinesforyou

“ You know, I'm just waiting for the moment when I throw up in the back seat of the limo on my way to a premiere. ”

- Tom Hanks

“ There's pressure all the time. It's stressful going to a premiere and having to look perfect, and everybody scrutinizes what you're wearing. It's scary. There's so much emphasis put on the physical. ”

- Liv Tyler

“ I mean, there's not an awful lot of limelight. Perhaps at premieres and the pictures and the people; that's all exciting. But the actual work, like today: it's just work; it's just the work I happen to do instead of going to an office and being a secretary or in a shop, you know? ”

- Hayley Mills

“ Achieving success gets complicated. You find yourself hanging around with a different crowd. I probably would have shied away from it, but after a while you can't help but get sucked in… all those parties and premieres and limos picking you up… ”

- River Phoenix
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