Quotes of Precursor - somelinesforyou

“ Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. ”

- William Faulkner

“ We have tradition that so we believe, because both we from our predecessors, and they from theirs, have so received. ”

- Richard Hooker

“ Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Some people are your relatives but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of those values. ”

- Ralph Ellison

“ We forget that the soul has its own ancestors. ”

- James Hillman

“ I have often noticed that ancestors never boast of the descendants who boast of ancestors. I would rather start a family than finish one. Blood will tell, but often it tells too much. ”

- Don Marquis

“ Honor among thieves is the ancestor of all honor. ”

- John McCarthy

“ Pollution is the forerunner of perdition. ”

- John Trapp

“ Illustrious predecessors. ”

- Henry Fielding

“ Illustrious Predecessor. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ An intense anticipation itself, transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing. ”

- Samuel Smiles

“ To equal a predecessor, one must have twice they worth. ”

- Baltasar Gracian

“ The kind of ancestors we have had is not as important as the kind of descendants our ancestors have. ”

- Unknown

“ The kind of ancestors we have had is not as important as the kind of descendants our ancestors have. ”

- Unknown

“ Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors. ”

- Jonas Salk

“ Do well and you will have no need for ancestors. ”

- Voltaire

“ What is the imagination? Only an arm or weapon of the interior energy; only the precursor of the reason. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Every writer "creates" his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future. ”

- Jorge Luis Borges

“ I have often noticed that a bribe has that effect — it changes a relation. The man who offers a bribe gives away a little of his own importance; the bribe once accepted, he becomes the inferior, like a man who has paid for a woman. ”

- Graham Greene

“ X is not my real name, but if you study history you'll find why no black man in the western hemisphere knows his real name. Some of his ancestors kidnapped our ancestors from Africa, and took us into the western hemisphere and sold us there. And our names were stripped from us and so today we don't know who we really are… ”

- Malcolm X
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