Quotes of Pout - somelinesforyou

“ I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues. ”

- Duke Ellington

“ So much alarmed that she is quite alarming, All Giggle, Blush, half Pertness, and half Pout. ”

- Lord Byron

“ With her unmistakable pout and jutting breasts Brigitte Bardot was more than just a goddess. For a war-weary generation she came to personify a new, liberated, sun-soaked, carefree France. ”

- Diana Geddes

“ Is Billy Idol just doing a bad Elvis pout, or was he born that way? ”

- Freddie Mercury

“ EAVESDROP, v.i. Secretly to overhear a catalogue of the crimes and vices of another or yourself. A lady with one of her ears applied To an open keyhole heard, inside, Two female gossips in converse free — The subject engaging them was she. "I think," said one, "and my husband thinks That she's a prying, inquisitive minx!" As soon as no more of it she could hear The lady, indignant, removed her ear… ”

- Ambrose Bierce
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