Quotes of Portal - somelinesforyou

“ Bill Gates wants people to think he's Edison, when he's really Rockefeller. Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn't right... wealth isn't the same thing as intelligence. ”

- Larry Ellison

“ Mistakes are the portals of discovery. ”

- James Joyce

“ When you follow your bliss… doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. ”

- Joseph Campbell

“ And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi. ”

- Bible

“ Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold of the door of Wisdom. ”

- Havelock Ellis

“ All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door. ”

- Unknown

“ The enemy is more easily overcome if he be not suffered to enter the door of our hearts, but be resisted without the gate at his first knock. ”

- Thomas a Kempis

“ Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door. ”

- Marcelene Cox

“ It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ Work is the open sesame of every portal, the great equalizer in the world, the true philosopher's stone which transmutes all the base metal of humanity into gold. ”

- Sir William Osler

“ A man's errors are his portals of discovery. ”

- James Joyce

“ A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery. ”

- James Joyce

“ And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, / Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; / And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: / On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. ”

- Bible

“ Education has opened many, many doors. However, there are still innumerable doors shut tight — unopened yet. These are the doors of the future. Perhaps one of my children will open one of these doors — I shall help give him the key. ”

- Unknown

“ Education has opened many, many doors. However, there are still innumerable doors shut tight — unopened yet. These are the doors of the future. Perhaps one of my children will open one of these doors — I shall help give him the key. ”

- Unknown
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