Quotes of Pooh - somelinesforyou

“ "How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously. ”

- A. A. Milne

“ I wish Pooh were here. It's so much more friendly with two. ”

- Piglet

“ "Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully. "Yes," said Piglet. "Rabbit's clever." "And he has a Brain." "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has a Brain." There was a long silence. "I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything. ”

- A. A. Milne

“ "When you first get up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?" What's for breakfast? said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today? said Piglet… ”

- A.A. Milne
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