Quotes of Polluted - somelinesforyou

“ For visions come not to polluted eyes. ”

- Mary Howitt

“ We are tainted by modern philosophy which has taught us that all is good, whereas evil has polluted everything and in a very real sense all is evil, since nothing is in its proper place. ”

- Joseph De Maistre

“ If you were not a sinful, polluted, helpless, and miserable creature, this Savior would not be suited to you, and you would not be comprehended in his gracious invitations to the children of men. ”

- Archibald Alexander

“ I don't think I fouled him. Everybody makes mistakes. ”

- Kurt Thomas

“ To speak of God, to think of God, is in every respect to show what one is made of. I have always wagered against God and I regard the little that I have won in this world as simply the outcome of this bet. However paltry may have been the stake I am conscious of having won to the full… ”

- Andre Breton
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