Quotes of Pole - somelinesforyou

“ The pillars of truth and the pillars of freedom — they are the pillars of society. ”

- Henry Jacobsen

“ His life oscillates, as everyone's does, not merely between two poles, such as the body and the spirit, the saint and the sinner, but between thousands, between innumerable poles. ”

- Herman Hesse

“ Go miser go, for money sell your soul. Trade wares for wares and trudge from pole to pole, So others may say when you are dead and gone, see what a vast estate he left his son. ”

- John Dryden

“ This life's dim windows of the soul Distorts the heavens from pole to pole And leads you to believe a lie When you see with, not through, the eye. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ Oh Sleep! it is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole, to Mary Queen the praise be given! She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven, that slid into my soul. ”

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“ We're just a married couple having fun. There's no big deal what a married couple get up to in the privacy of their own home. But yes, there is a pole for Zoe to lapdance. ”

- Norman Cook

“ Boys are playing basketball around a telephone pole with a backboard bolted to it. ”

- John Updike

“ A man of great memory without learning hath a rock and a spindle and no staff to spin. ”

- George Herbert

“ Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave. ”

- James Russell Lowell

“ I wish I could write well enough to write about aircraft. Faulkner did it very well in Pylon but you cannot do something someone else has done though you might have done it if they hadn't. ”

- Ernest Hemingway

“ A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ A fishing-rod was a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ And the line up for the final of the Women's 400 metres hurdles includes three Russians, two East Germans, a Pole, a Swede and a Frenchman. ”

- David Coleman

“ O, how glorious would it be to set my heel upon the Pole and turn myself 360 degrees in a second! ”

- Joseph Banks

“ If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. ”

- Doug Larson

“ There are few virtues that the Poles do not possess and there are few errors they have ever avoided. ”

- Winston Churchill

“ Optimism and self-pity are the positive and negative poles of modern cowardice. ”

- Cyril Connolly

“ No exile at the South Pole or on the summit of Mont Blanc separates us more effectively from others than the practice of a hidden vice. ”

- Marcel Proust

“ I wouldn't take the Pope too seriously. He's a Pole first, a pope second, and maybe a Christian third. ”

- Muriel Spark

“ He who governs by way of virtue can be compared to the North Pole Star, which keeps its place while all the other stars position themselves around it. ”

- Confucius

“ Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole. ”

- Vicki Baum

“ I desire the Poles carnally. ”

- President Jimmy Carter

“ The discovery of the North Pole is one of those realities which could not be avoided. It is the wages which human perseverance pays itself when it thinks that something is taking too long. The world needed a discoverer of the North Pole, and in all areas of social activity, merit was less important here than opportunity. ”

- Karl Kraus

“ The Polar Express was the easiest of my picture book manuscripts to write… Once I realized the train was going to the North Pole, finding the story seemed less like a creative effort than an act of recollection. I felt, like the story's narrator, that I was remembering something, not making it up. ”

- Chris Van Allsburg

“ I hate it driving more than anything in the whole world. I'm just an awful, awful driver. I get lost, I hit things: parked cars, one moving car, a pole in my parking garage. Just when I think I got everything under control, I'll miss seeing something out of the corner of my mirror. ”

- Rachael Leigh

“ If I were American I would never have voted for Reagan, but as a Pole, I liked the tough position of Reagan toward Brezhnev. Perhaps Reagan did not quite understand what he was doing, and maybe Bush doesn't understand either. ”

- Adam Michnik

“ We have the whole universe of anti-Semitic dispositions in Poland, but I've never been accused of serving Israeli interests. I'm not even accused of being pro-American, because most Poles are pro-American. You can say that I look at Israel and the Middle East from the point of view of a Polish intellectual who likes the country, but does not like Ariel Sharon. ”

- Adam Michnik

“ Then gazing up 'mid the dim pillars high, The foliaged marble forest where ye lie, Hush, ye will say, it is eternity! This is the glimmering verge of heaven, and there The columns of the heavenly palaces. ”

- Matthew

“ And he wrote in the king Ahasuerus' name, and sealed it with the king's ring, and sent letters by posts on horseback, and riders on mules, camels, and young dromedaries:.... So the posts that rode upon mules and camels went out, being hastened and pressed on by the king's commandment… ”

- Bible

“ The sea, washing the equator and the poles, offers its perilous aid, and the power and empire that follow it… "Beware of me," it says, "but if you can hold me, I am the key to all the lands.". ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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