Quotes of Polarity - somelinesforyou

“ I'm loving this kind of critical polarity. It's the first time it's happened to me and I'm actually getting off on it a little bit. ”

- Paul Thomas Anderson

“ Already at 16, my mind was a battlefield: my love of pagan beauty, the male nude, at war with my religious faith. A polarity of themes and forms - one spiritual, the other earthly. ”

- Michelangelo

“ It is the stretched soul that makes music, and souls are stretched by the pull of opposites — opposite bents, tastes, yearnings, loyalties. Where there is no polarity — where energies flow smoothly in one direction — there will be much doing but no music. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ The loss of sex polarity is part and parcel of the larger disintegration, the reflex of the soul's death, and coincident with the disappearance of great men, great deeds, great causes, great wars, etc. ”

- Henry Miller

“ Living with contradiction, holding together polarities, making room for divergence leads to vitality and enables us to see opposites not as dead ends but as a series of open doors. When we come to know ourselves as gifted and conflicted, we become more tolerant of the differences we encounter in others and can relinquish the illusion that we are the center of a harmonious universe. ”

- Elizabeth J. Canham
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