Quotes of Playoff - somelinesforyou

“ We were always in contention-18 out of 19 years in the playoffs. And all that was because we had a pretty good offense, and we had that flex defense. ”

- Bob Lilly

“ We literally had all 10 teams alive for a playoff position in the final week of the season. That outstanding balance and those close races created a major surge in attendance in the last month of the season. ”

- Lamar Hunt

“ When you work hard to do everything you can to win, it's disappointing when you lose. It eats at you a little… It's hard to put into words what being back in the playoffs means. Anybody who's competitive all year long wants the opportunity to have a chance to get in the Super Bowl. ”

- Dan Marino

“ I know I achieved a lot, and I know I have my little share of respect, but when you talk about playoffs, there is no time to be mad, there is no time to complain, there is no soreness that you can't overcome or pain, sometimes, and I hope I continue to do it… ”

- Pedro Martinez

“ It's funny, but when there are dominant teams, there are a number of people who rail about the fact that they're always seeing the Dallas Cowboys or the San Francisco 49ers or the Green Bay either in the playoffs or in the Super Bowl. ”

- Al Michaels
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