Quotes of Pinprick - somelinesforyou

“ The sin of pride may be a small or a great thing in someone's life, and hurt vanity a passing pinprick, or a self-destroying or ever murderous obsession. ”

- Iris Murdoch

“ It is penance to work, to give oneself to others, to endure the pinpricks of community living. ”

- Dorothy Day

“ Give up your relentless moralizing, the continual pinpricks which pierce the skin of your fellows. The distinction between good and evil is the sickness of the mind. Give up your morals, and the people will regain a love of their fellows. ”

- Lao Tse

“ Do not let trifles disturb your tranquility of mind. The little pinpricks of daily life when dwelt upon and magnified, may do great damage, but if ignored or dismissed from thought, will disappear from inanition. Most men have worried about things which never happened, and more men have been killed by worry than by hard work… ”

- Grenville Kleiser
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