Quotes of Piling - somelinesforyou

“ I hate American simplicity. I glory in the piling up of complications of every sort. If I could pronounce the name James in any different or more elaborate way, I should be in favor of doing it. ”

- Henry James

“ Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. ”

- Martin H. Fischer

“ The atom bombs are piling up in the factories, the police are prowling through the cities, the lies are streaming from the loudspeakers, but the earth is still going round the sun. ”

- George Orwell

“ When I was in Hollywood, I saw people piling up power, position, money, but I didn't see that they were happy. So I do things that make me happy. I write, I study, I do voiceovers, I do poetry readings, I do a play occasionally. I enjoy living. ”

- Barbara Feldon

“ A new breed of broker making $300,000 a year in London hot traders who are likely to be thirtyish, a bit cheeky and more interested in piling up commissions than meeting club cronies for a late afternoon brandy at Boodle's or White's. ”

- Steve Lohr
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