Quotes of Phil - somelinesforyou

“ On this Groundhog Day, we might wait all day for Puxatawny Phil to come out of his hole, but we can't afford to wait for the 527s to come out and come clean. ”

- Charles Schumer

“ I liked playing Morph in Mash and Peas and doing Phil Daniels in the Blur Rock Profile was a giggle too. ”

- Paul Putner

“ I know somebody from university who's called Phil Collins and I think there's something terribly unfortunate about sharing a name With somebody who either is famous or becomes famous. ”

- David Walliams

“ Well, it's Groundhog Day… again… and that must mean we're up here at Gobbler's Knob waiting for the forecast from the world's most-famous groundhog weatherman, Punxsutawney Phil, who's just about to tell us how much more winter we can expect. ”

- Stephen Tobolowsky
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