Quotes of Perch - somelinesforyou

“ The perch swallows the grub-worm, the pickerel swallows the perch, and the fisherman swallows the pickerel; and so all the chinks in the scale of being are filled. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ "Hope" is the thing with feathers — That perches in the soul — And sings the tune without the words — And never stops — at all — . ”

- Emily Dickinson

“ I often sit back and think, I wish I'd done that, and find out later that I already have. ”

- Richard Harris

“ Sit down to write what you have thought, and not to think about what you shall write. ”

- William Cobbett

“ After all is said and done, sit down. ”

- Bill Copeland

“ Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits. ”

- Satchel Paige

“ A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits. ”

- Woodrow Wilson

“ A conservative is a man who just sits and thinks, mostly sits. ”

- Woodrow Wilson

“ Just then, with a wink and a sly normal lurch, The owl very gravely got down from his perch, Walked round, and regarded his fault-finding critic with a glance analytic. ”

- James Thomas Field

“ The fact is that my wife if she had common sense would have more power over me than any other whatsoever, for my heart always alights upon the nearest perch. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. ”

- Emily Dickenson

“ There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia. ”

- Kurt Vonnegut

“ INAUSPICIOUSLY, adv. In an unpromising manner, the auspices being unfavorable. Among the Romans it was customary before undertaking any important action or enterprise to obtain from the augurs, or state prophets, some hint of its probable outcome; and one of their favorite and most trustworthy modes of divination consisted in observing the flight of birds — the omens thence derived being called auspices… ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Some of our artists have the bad taste to represent the beaver as perched on the maple bough, a most unpleasant position for the poor animal, and suggestive of the thought, that he is in the act of gnawing through the trunk of our national tree ”

- John W. Dawson
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