Quotes of Pensive - somelinesforyou

“ Practice conquers the habit of doing, without reflecting on the rule. ”

- John Locke

“ But over all things brooding slept The quiet sense of something lost. ”

- Lord Alfred Tennyson

“ The first type of abstraction from objects I shall refer to as simple abstraction, but the second type I shall call reflective abstraction, using this term in a double sense. ”

- Jean Piaget

“ Those who are more adapted to the active life can prepare themselves for contemplation in the practice of the active life, while those who are more adapted to the contemplative life can take upon themselves the works of the active life so as to become yet more apt for contemplation. ”

- St. Thomas Aquinas

“ Speech may be barren; but it is ridiculous to suppose that silence is always brooding on a nestful of eggs. ”

- George Eliot

“ Woman's normal occupations in general run counter to creative life, or contemplative life, or saintly life. ”

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“ But generally speaking, I tend to be quiet and introspective. ”

- Rowan Atkinson

“ The mountains look on Marathon - / And Marathon looks on the sea; / And musing there an hour alone, / I dreamed that Greece might yet be free. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Let us not paralyze our capacity for good by brooding of man's capacity for evil. ”

- David Sarnoff

“ Loneliness will sit over our roofs with brooding wings. ”

- Bram Stoker

“ But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions. ”

- Clarence Thomas

“ There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ There is a luxury in self-dispraise;And inward self-disparagement affordsTo meditative spleen a grateful feast. ”

- William Wordsworth

“ A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist's world. ”

- Hans Hofmann

“ I would like to break out of this dark, brooding image, cause I'm actually not like that at all. ”

- Gabriel Byrne

“ A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - of approving of some and disapproving of others. ”

- Charles Darwin

“ Sometimes you stumble across a few chords that put you in a reflective place. ”

- David Bowie

“ Whoever is providing leadership needs to be as fresh and thoughtful and reflective as possible to make the very best fight. ”

- Faye Wattleton

“ How does one become a butterfly? she asked pensively. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.". ”

- Trina Paulus

“ The heart is the best reflective thinker. ”

- Wendell Phillips

“ To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out. ”

- Paul Kagame

“ Let no one think that real gardening is a bucolic and meditative occupation. It is an insatiable passion, like everything else to which a man gives his heart. ”

- Karel Capek

“ It is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ There is an air of last things, a brooding sense of impending annihilation, about so much deconstructive activity, in so many of its guises; it is not merely postmodernist but preapocalyptic. ”

- David Lehman

“ And thus they give the time, that Nature meant for peaceful sleep and meditative snores, to ceaseless din and mindless merriment and waste of shoes and floors. ”

- Lewis Carroll

“ Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, historical accidents, soon forgotten. ”

- Milan Kundera

“ Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Through travel I first became aware of the outside world; it was through travel that I found my own introspective way into becoming a part of it. ”

- Eudora Welty

“ The devil lies brooding in the miser's chest. ”

- Thomas Fuller
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