Quotes of Peeling - somelinesforyou

“ Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. ”

- Alan W. Watts

“ The troubles of the young are soon over; they leave no external mark. If you wound the tree in its youth the bark will quickly cover the gash; but when the tree is very old, peeling the bark off, and looking carefully, you will see the scar there still… ”

- Olive Schreiner

“ The work was like peeling an onion. The outer skin came off with difficulty… but in no time you'd be down to its innards, tears streaming from your eyes as more and more beautiful reductions became possible. ”

- Edward Blishen

“ As a boy, I remember the hypocrisy of Catholic school kids who, after peeling off like dive-bombers from the end of a long line walking to church, disappeared into the local candy store to gamble by playing blackjack. ”

- Bernard Katz
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