Quotes of Participating - somelinesforyou

“ Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government. ”

- Gerald F. Lieberman

“ Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it. ”

- Noam Chomsky

“ People are either driven to action or complacency, mission or rust. You're either participating in the Game of Life or you're watching it from the grandstands. Herein lies a crucial difference. A champion plays the game; a spectator observes, criticizes and never really gets to live… ”

- Bruce Jenner

“ I've been twice lucky - I guess I shouldn't expect to win the lottery any time soon. Enjoying that success as a child actor kept me interested, and kept me participating in acting. After that finished I had a really fallow year and Dawson's Creek fell into my lap. ”

- Joshua Jackson
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