Quotes of Parlor - somelinesforyou

“ I've gone into hundreds of and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her. ”

- New York City detective

“ Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Another one of them new worlds. No beer, no women, no pool parlors - nothin'. Nothing to do but throw rocks at tin cans and we got to bring our own tin cans. ”

- Ship’s Cook

“ 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said a spider to a fly. ”

- Mary Howitt

“ For parlor use, the vague generality is a life saver. ”

- George Ade

“ If the poor overweight jogger only knew how far he had to run to work off the calories in a crust of bread he might find it better in terms of pound per mile to go to a massage parlor. ”

- Christiaan N. Barnard

“ There is not a physicist in the world who can perceive when a parlor magician palms off playing-cards. ”

- Charles Fort

“ We not only romanticize the future; we have also made it into a growth industry, a parlor game and a disaster movie all at the same time. ”

- Eugene Kennedy

“ I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher. ”

- A. N. Wilson

“ Contrary to the parlor-room Pershings around Washington, we have a fully integrated multiservice unified command structure. ”

- John F. Lehman Jr.
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