Quotes of Pamper - somelinesforyou

“ Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens it. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ Youth is unduly busy with pampering the outer person. ”

- Horace

“ As a rule, the mind, residing in a body that has become weakened by pampering, is also weak, and where there is no strength of mind there can be no strength of soul. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ Father asked us what was God's noblest work. Anna said men, but I said babies. Men are often bad, but babies never are. ”

- Louisa May Alcott

“ To the victors belong the spoils. ”

- Andrew Jackson

“ Babies are always more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful. ”

- Charles Osgood

“ I'm always amazed when young women who are having babies want their husbands to watch the babies come out. I would never allow anything like that. ”

- Jeanne Moreau

“ According as the man is, so must you humour him. ”

- Jean Racine

“ I said I would get better with each baby, and I have. ”

- Demi Moore

“ What the vast majority of American children need is to stop being pampered, stop being indulged, stop being chauffeured, stop being catered to. In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. ”

- Ann Landers
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