Quotes of Pacific - somelinesforyou

“ It was just very peaceful. ”

- Ellen Ochoa

“ Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here. ”

- Dan Quayle

“ The quietly pacifist peaceful always die to make room for men who shout. ”

- Alice Walker

“ In some South Pacific cultures, a speaker holds a conch shell as a symbol of temporary position of authority. Leaders must understand who holds the conch that is, who should be listened to and when. ”

- Max de Pree

“ The worst-case scenario I see is a major nuclear arms race unfolding in the Pacific. That's not a forecast, that's a logical train of events. ”

- William J. Perry

“ The glowing magma emerges like redhot toothpaste from a long, wide crack and then crawls into the Pacific, creating a tall, furious cloud of steam. ”

- Robert Gross

“ We decry violence all the time in this country, but look at our history. We were born in a violent revolution, and we've been in wars ever since. We're not a pacific people. ”

- James Lee Burke

“ Sen. John McCain says, 'I don't agree with the Pacific Ocean' or 'I don't agree with the. ”

- Paul Varnell

“ There is no shadow of protection to be had by sheltering behind the slender stockades of visionary speculation, or by hiding behind the wagon-wheels of pacific theories. ”

- Madame Chiang Kai Shek

“ It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed… Great necessities call out great virtues. ”

- Abigail Adams

“ With rispect to all those persons whose names are entered on this roll, I feel a peculiar pleasure in declaring, that the Ample support which they gave me under every difficulty; the manly firmness which they evinced on every necessary occasion; and the patience and fortitude with which they submited to, and bore, the fatigues and painful sufferings incident to my late tour to the Pacific Ocean, entitles them to my warmest approbation and thanks. ”

- Meriwether Lewis

“ Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought. Every man is the lord of a realm beside which the earthly empire of the Czar is but a petty state, a hummock left by the ice. Yet some can be patriotic who have no self-respect, and sacrifice the greater to the less… ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ "This is free ground. All the way from here to the Pacific Ocean. No man has to bow. No man born to royalty. Here we judge you by what you do, not by what your father was. Here you can be something. Here's a place to build a home… It's the idea that we all have value, you and me …". ”

- Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

“ The Santa Fe Route, or the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, which has in modern times developed into one of the largest and most profitable railroad systems in this country, was projected long before the idea of a transcontinental line to the Pacific coast had taken full possession of men's minds. ”

- John Moody

“ The public conviction that a railroad linking the West and the East was an absolute necessity became so pronounced after the gold discoveries of '49 that Congress passed an act in 1853 providing for a survey of several lines from the Mississippi to the Pacific. ”

- John Moody

“ The outstanding dramatic event in the story of the modern Northern Pacific was the famous corner which occurred in the spring of 1901 as a result of a contest between the Hill and the Harriman interests for the control of the property. ”

- John Moody

“ In 1906 the Pennsylvania began to dispose of the bulk of its holdings in competing properties, the most notable transactions being the sale of its entire interest in the Chesapeake and Ohio to independent interests and a substantial part of its Baltimore and Ohio holdings to the Union Pacific Railroad. ”

- John Moody

“ In 1862, when the charter was granted by the United States Government for the construction of a railroad from Omaha to the Pacific coast, the only States west of the Mississippi Valley in which any railroad construction of importance existed were Iowa and Missouri. ”

- John Moody

“ By 1880 four different lines of railroad were running through to the Pacific States, and a fifth, the Denver and Rio Grande, had penetrated through the mountains of Colorado and across Utah to the Great Salt Lake. ”

- John Moody

“ Cities are distinguished by the catastrophic forms they presuppose and which are a vital part of their essential charm. New York is King Kong, or the blackout, or vertical bombardment: towering Inferno. Los Angeles is the horizontal fault, California breaking off and sliding into the Pacific: earthquake. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ My walk across America started in the early 80s when, as a traveler, I took a freighter across the Pacific to Japan. It was the first time I had ever been there. As I pulled into the harbor, I hatched the notion, I will walk the country from coast to coast… ”

- Art Garfunkel

“ Why do the French keep testing the damn things? Surely they know what happens by now. You press a button, the bomb goes boom and two years later fifty million people in the south Pacific are pissing strontium! ”

- Andrew Denton

“ If I liken the Pacific War to a football match, I can say to you that the first half is over, we have kicked off after the interval, and we are going to carry the ball into enemy territory for a smashing victory. ”

- John Curtin

“ So far, we do not seem appalled at the prospect of exactly the same kind of education being applied to all the school children from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but there is an uneasiness in the air, a realization that the individual is growing less easy to find; an idea, perhaps, of what standardization might become when the units are not machines, but human beings. ”

- Edith Hamilton

“ We, the lineal representatives of the successful enactors of one scene of slaughter after another, must, whatever more pacific virtues we may also possess, still carry about with us, ready at any moment to burst into flame, the smoldering and sinister traits of character by means of which they lived through so many massacres, harming others, but themselves unharmed. ”

- William James
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