Quotes of Overtake - somelinesforyou

“ Do you know that disease and death must needs overtake us, no matter what we are doing?… What do you wish to be doing when it overtakes you? If you have anything better to be doing when you are so overtaken, get to work on that. ”

- Epictetus

“ Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. ”

- Og Mandino

“ When death overtakes us; all that we have is left to others; all that we are we take with us. ”

- Unknown

“ This will be triumph! This will be happiness! Yea, that very thing, happiness, which I have been pursuing all my life, and have never yet overtaken. ”

- Joanna Baillie

“ The happiest time in a man's life is when he is in the red hot pursuit of a dollar with a reasonable prospect of overtaking it. ”

- Josh Billings

“ Since Time is not a person we can overtake when he is gone, let us honor him with mirth and cheerfulness of heart while he is passing. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ One never hugs one's good luck so affectionately as when listening to the relation of some horrible misfortunes which has overtaken others. ”

- Alexander Smith

“ Love is the strange bewilderment that overtakes one person on account of another person. ”

- James Thurber

“ Experience is what really happens to you in the long run; the truth that finally overtakes you. ”

- Katherine Anne Porter

“ A nap, my friend, is a brief period of sleep which overtakes superannuated persons when they endeavor to entertain unwelcome visitors or to listen to scientific lectures. ”

- George Bernard Shaw

“ Happiness comes most to persons who seek her least, and think least about it. It is not an object to be sought; it is a state to be induced. It must follow and not lead. It must overtake you, and not you overtake it. ”

- John Burroughs

“ Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry, all things easy. He that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ Until House came along I don't think the English made very good dance records, you know, there were very few really good English Rap records, whereas once House came along all of a sudden we started and now I think we probably lead the world, and have overtaken America in dance music. ”

- Norman Cook

“ Love is the extra effort we make in our dealings with those whom we do not like and once you understand that, you understand all. This idea that love overtakes you is nonsense. This is but a polite manifestation of sex. To love another you have to undertake some fragment of their destiny. ”

- Quentin Crisp

“ If we put the emphasis upon the right things; if we live the life that is worth while and then fail, we will survive all disasters, we will out-live all misfortune. We should be so well balanced and symmetrical that nothing which could ever happen could throw us off our center, so that no matter what misfortune should overtake us, there would still be a whole magnificent man or woman left after being stripped of everything else. ”

- Orison S. Marden
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