Quotes of Osbourne - somelinesforyou

“ We're probably the opposite of the Osbournes. We run a very tight ship. ”

- Hulk Hogan

“ I think the success of The Osbournes as a TV show is an indictment of the soullessness of mankind. ”

- Ted Nugent

“ We use our tax dollars to pay some bureaucrat to kill a mountain lion, dig a hole and bury this precious beast. No one gets to eat it, nobody gets to buy licenses, fees and taxes themselves. And that's only after a mountain lion has killed somebody! Oh my God! And the Osbournes are still No… ”

- Ted Nugent

“ I'm not proud of everything I've done. I'm not proud of having a poor education. I'm not proud of being dyslexic. I'm not proud of being an alcoholic drug addict. I'm not proud of biting the head off a bat. I'm not proud of having attention deficit disorder… ”

- Ozzy Osbourne
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