Quotes of Oregon - somelinesforyou

“ When you make a career change there has to be some kind of connection. I remember a Beverly Hills attorney who wanted to become a potato farmer in Oregon. Well, there's a guy who's born to lose. ”

- Lew Richfield

“ A healthy environment is essential to a livable Oregon and a strong economy. ”

- Ted Kulongoski

“ It is impossible for a stranger traveling through the United States to tell from the appearance of the people or the country whether he is in Toledo, Ohio, or Portland, Oregon. Ninety million Americans cut their hair in the same way, eat each morning exactly the same breakfast, tie up the small girls curls with precisely the same kind of ribbon fashioned into bows exactly alike; and in every way all try to look and act as much like all the others as they can. ”

- Lord Northcliffe

“ No people require maxims so much as the American. The reason is obvious: the country is so vast, the people always going somewhere, from Oregon, Apple Valley to Boreal, New England, that we do not know whether to be temperate orchards or sterile climate. ”

- Edward Dahlberg

“ As Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Oregon National Guard - with more than 1300 Guard troops and many other Oregon soldiers deployed overseas - it is my responsibility to ask whether our national leadership, which had a plan for starting this war, also has a plan for ending it. ”

- Ted Kulongoski
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