Quotes of Ongoing - somelinesforyou

“ I am still progressing. ”

- Pierre Auguste Renoir

“ I mean the Americans in a funny way see themselves as an ongoing chosen race - it was the Jews and now it's the great American dream. ”

- Bruce Kent

“ I'll keep evolving and put that into my songs. ”

- Alanis Morissette

“ A battle is developing between them' I say developing, because it's not yet on. ”

- Murray Walker

“ leadership is power to endure an ongoing quest for information or influence…not just actual triumphs like making profits or achieving stated objectives. ”

- Marsha Sinetar

“ Under the process of ongoing globalization, advantages are, in the main, created for a minority of countries and development centres as well as powerful transnational companies. ”

- Tran Duc Luong

“ Television provides the opportunity for an ongoing story - the opportunity to meld the cast and the characters and a world, and to spend more time there. ”

- David Lynch

“ Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity. ”

- Paul Goodman

“ Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives. ”

- Mary Ann Brussat

“ Women must think strategically about creating ongoing pressure for change. ”

- Mary Baker Eddy

“ For the American Indian, the ability of all creatures to share in the process of ongoing creation makes all things sacred. ”

- Paula Gunn Allen

“ Always have some project underway an ongoing project that goes over from day to day and thus makes each day a small unit of time. ”

- Lillian Troll

“ All my life I used to wonder what I would become when I grew up. Then, about seven years ago, I realized that I was never going to grow up — that growing is an ever-ongoing process. ”

- M. Scott Peck

“ Civilization is very much an immature and ongoing experiment, the success of which is by no means yet proven. ”

- Colin Turnbull

“ Personal leadership is not a singular experience. It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things. ”

- Stephen Covey
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