Quotes of Oft - somelinesforyou

“ Oft expectation fails, and most oft where most it promises; and oft it hits where hope is coldest; and despair most sits. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, which we ascribe to heaven. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Striving to better, oft we mar what's well. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The apparel oft proclaims the man. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. ”

- Lucretius

“ The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause. ”

- Baltasar Gracian

“ The vanity of teaching doth oft tempt a man to forget that he is a blockhead. ”

- George Savile

“ Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache; do be my enemy for friendship's sake. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ To fear the worst oft cures the worse. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ True wit is nature to advantage dressed, what oft was thought, but never so well expressed. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ 'Twas Christmas broach'd the mightiest ale; 'twas Christmas told the merriest tale; a Christmas gambol oft could cheer the poor man's heart through half the year. ”

- Sir Walter Scott

“ Wisdom oft times consists of knowing what to do next. ”

- Herbert Clark Hoover

“ Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Wedlock, indeed, hath oft compared been - to public feasts, where meet a public rout - Where they are without would fain go in, And they that are within would fain go out. ”

- John Davies

“ The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. ”

- Hugh Latimer

“ A man must make his opportunity, as oft as find it. ”

- Sir Francis Bacon

“ Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds Makes ill deeds done! ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy; But not expressed in fancy - rich, not gaudy. For the apparel oft proclaims the man. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Wisdom oft lurks beneath a tattered coat. ”

- Caecilius Statius

“ The friendships of the world are oft confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasures. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ Men of ill judgment oft ignore the good That lies within their hands, till they have lost it. ”

- Sophocles

“ Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ A short saying oft contains much wisdom. ”

- Sophocles

“ Our heart oft times wakes when we sleep, and God can speak to that, either by words, by proverbs, by signs and similitudes, as well as if one was awake. ”

- John Bunyan

“ A show of daring oft conceals great fear. ”

- Lucan

“ The appearance of right oft leads us wrong. ”

- Horace

“ Where reason fails, time oft has worked a cure. ”

- Seneca

“ Nonsense and noise will oft prevail, when honour and affection fail. ”

- William Lloyd

“ The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! ”

- Robert Burns
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