Quotes of Notify - somelinesforyou

“ A young man fills out an application for a job and does well until he gets to the last question, Who Should we notify in case of an accident? He mulls it over and then writes, Anybody in sight!. ”

- Milton Berle

“ If we still advise we shall never do. ”

- Elizabeth I

“ I think blogging is super-important, and we've got to do a lot more software. The phenomena for us is we've got in beta this MSN Spaces thing, and it lets you leverage everything you do around Messenger - that's your buddy lists and those relationships - to set up blogs, and who has access, and who gets notified. ”

- Bill Gates

“ There's always a tricky issue when you get into stolen material or pornography. The laws for online publishing the same as for print-based publishing, where if you're hosting certain types of things and somebody notifies you about that. ”

- Bill Gates
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