Quotes of Noticing - somelinesforyou

“ What is luck? It is not only chance, it is also creating the opportunity, recognizing it when it is there, and taking it when it comes. ”

- Natasha Josefowitz

“ An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is at their heels. ”

- Bertolt Brecht

“ If we had no faults of our own, we should not take so much pleasure in noticing those in others. ”

- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

“ You can find pictures anywhere. It's simply a matter of noticing things and organizing them. You just have to care about what's around you and have a concern with humanity and the human comedy. ”

- Elliott Erwitt

“ We are persons of quality, I assure you, and women of fashion, and come to see and to be seen. ”

- Ben Jonson

“ The child's true constructive energy, a dynamic power, has remained unnoticed for thousands of years. Just as men have trodden the earth, and later tilled its surface, without thought for the immense wealth hidden in its depths, so the men of our day make progress after progress in civilized life, without noticing the treasures that lie hidden in the psychic world of infancy. ”

- Maria Montessori

“ Jean Valjean went out of the city as if he were escaping. He made all haste to get into the open country, taking the first lanes and bypaths that offered, without noticing that he was every moment retracing his steps. He wandered thus all the morning. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ The motion picture is like a picture of a lady in a half-piece bathing suit. If she wore a few more clothes, you might be intrigued. If she wore no clothes at all, you might be shocked. But the way it is, you are occupied with noticing that her knees are too bony and that her toenails are too large… ”

- Raymond Chandler

“ To us, men of the West, a very strange thing happened at the turn of the century; without noticing it, we lost science, or at least the thing that had been called by that name for the last four centuries. What we now have in place of it is something different, radically different, and we don't know what it is… ”

- Simone Weil
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