Quotes of Noted - somelinesforyou

“ Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ Not scorned in Heaven, though little noticed here. ”

- William Cowper

“ You can never get silence anywhere nowadays, have you noticed? ”

- Bryan Ferry

“ The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all. ”

- Pablo Casals

“ I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm. ”

- Calvin Coolidge

“ She was a buxom grandmother noted for her detective stories, who gazed mournfully at the camera as if deploring either the bloodiness of her craft or the size of her advance. ”

- P. D. James

“ History buffs probably noted the reunion at a Washington party a few weeks ago of three ex-presidents: Carter, Ford and Nixon - See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Evil. ”

- Robert J. Dole

“ Witticism. A sharp and clever remark, usually quoted and seldom noted; what the Philistine is pleased to call a "joke.". ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Really listening and suspending one's own judgment is necessary in order to understand other people on their own terms. As we have noted, this is a process that requires trust and builds trust. ”

- Mary Field Belenky

“ None of the affections have been noted to fascinate and bewitch but envy. ”

- Francis Bacon

“ It is to be noted that when any part of this paper appears dull there is a design in it. ”

- Sir Richard Steele

“ For truly it is to be noted, that children's plays are not sports, and should be deemed as their most serious actions. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ It should be noted that when he seizes a state the new ruler ought to determine all the injuries that he will need to inflict. He should inflict them once and for all, and not have to renew them every day. ”

- Niccolo Machiavelli

“ I know that the White House was designed by James Hoban, a noted Irish-American architect, and I have no doubt that he believed by incorporating several features of the Dublin style he would make it more homelike for any president of Irish descent. It was a long wait, but I appreciate his efforts. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ It is not only blessed to give thanks; it is also of vital importance to our prayer life in general. If we have noted the Lord's answers to our prayers and thanked Him for what we have received of Him, then it becomes easier for us, and we get more courage, to pray for more. ”

- Hallesby
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