Quotes of Noose - somelinesforyou

“ Be aware that a halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose. ”

- Dan McKinnon

“ A happy childhood can't be cured. Mine'll hang around my neck like a rainbow, that's all, instead of a noose. ”

- Hortense Calisher

“ If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck? ”

- Linda Ellerbee

“ Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acids stain you; and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well live. ”

- Dorothy Parker

“ Fear is a noose that binds until it strangles. ”

- Jean Toomer
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