Quotes of Moat - somelinesforyou

“ I want a big house with a moat and dragons and a fort to keep people out. ”

- Victoria Adams

“ I want a big house with a moat and dragons and a fort to keep people out! ”

- Victoria Beckham

“ This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, — This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Dreams are postcards from our subconscious, inner self to outer self, right brain trying to cross that moat to the left. Too often they come back unread: "return to sender, addressee unknown." That's a shame because it's a whole other world out there — or in here depending on your point of view. ”

- Dennis Koenig and Jordan Budde

“ Since social relationships are always ambiguous, since my thought is only a unit, since my thoughts create rifts as much as they unite, since my words establish contacts by being spoken and create isolation by remaining unspoken, since an immense moat separates the subjective certitude that I have for myself from the objective reality that I represent to others, since I never stop finding myself guilty even though I feel I am innocent… We could say that the limits of language are the limits of the world that the limits of my language are the limits of my world… ”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein
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