Quotes of Mildly - somelinesforyou

“ As virtuous men pass mildly away, and whisper to their souls to go, whilst some of their sad friends do say, the breath goes now, and some say no. ”

- John Donne

“ God punishes us mildly by ignoring our prayers, and severely by answering them. ”

- Richard J. Needham

“ We must do our business faithfully, without trouble or disquiet, recalling our mind to God mildly, and with tranquility, as often as we find it wandering from him. ”

- Brother Lawrence

“ The Canadians have managed to live peacefully with their Indians. It is disgrace that the United States has not done the same. ”

- Stephen Ambrose

“ I believe this can be done peacefully through diplomacy. ”

- Chuck Hagel
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