Quotes of Middleman - somelinesforyou

“ The publisher is a middleman, he calls the tune to which the whole rest of the trade dances; and he does so because he pays the piper. ”

- Geoffrey Faber

“ I went through a lot of phases and studied many religions-I came to a conclusion: I am not into religion, I am spiritual and have whatever relationship with God, you do not need the middlemen. ”

- Ja Rule

“ Back then, if you had a sore arm, the only people concerned were you and your wife. Now it's you, your wife, your agent, your investment counselor, your stockbroker, and your publisher. ”

- Jim Bouton

“ No publisher should ever express an opinion on the value of what he publishes. That is a matter entirely for the literary critic to decide. I can quite understand how any ordinary critic would be strongly prejudiced against a work that was accompanied by a premature and unnecessary panegyric from the publisher… ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Modern man's capacity for destruction is quixotic evidence of humanity's capacity for reconstruction. The powerful technological agents we have unleashed against the environment include many of the agents we require for its reconstruction. ”

- George F. Will

“ The publisher is a middleman, he calls the tune to which the whole rest of the trade dances; and he does so because he pays the piper. ”

- Geoffrey Faber

“ I went through a lot of phases and studied many religions-I came to a conclusion: I am not into religion, I am spiritual and have whatever relationship with God, you do not need the middlemen. ”

- Ja Rule

“ Back then, if you had a sore arm, the only people concerned were you and your wife. Now it's you, your wife, your agent, your investment counselor, your stockbroker, and your publisher. ”

- Jim Bouton

“ No publisher should ever express an opinion on the value of what he publishes. That is a matter entirely for the literary critic to decide. I can quite understand how any ordinary critic would be strongly prejudiced against a work that was accompanied by a premature and unnecessary panegyric from the publisher… ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Modern man's capacity for destruction is quixotic evidence of humanity's capacity for reconstruction. The powerful technological agents we have unleashed against the environment include many of the agents we require for its reconstruction. ”

- George F. Will
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