Quotes of Meagre - somelinesforyou

“ How pathetically scanty my self-knowledge is compared with, say, my knowledge of my room. There is no such thing as observation of the inner world, as there is of the outer world. ”

- Franz Kafka

“ He who will travel far spares his steed. ”

- Jean Racine

“ Our greatest good, and what we least can spare, is hope. ”

- John Armstrong

“ O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more. ”

- Bible

“ Spare all I have, and take my life. ”

- George Farquhar

“ Under our plan you can build wealth, even if you don't have a dollar to spare. ”

- Dick Cheney

“ To bear other people's afflictions, everyone has courage and enough to spare. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ Spare London, for London is like the city that thou lovedst. ”

- Thomas Nash

“ He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, But spare your country's flag," she said. ”

- John Greenleaf Whittier

“ Then spare the rod and spoil the child. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ He who spares the bad injures the good. ”

- Publilius Syrus

“ The dreariest spot in all the land to Death they set apart; with scanty grace from Nature's hand, and none from that of Art. ”

- John Greenleaf Whittier

“ Time is like money, the less we have of it to spare the further we make it go. ”

- Josh Billings

“ EMBALM, v.i. To cheat vegetation by locking up the gases upon which it feeds. By embalming their dead and thereby deranging the natural balance between animal and vegetable life, the Egyptians made their once fertile and populous country barren and incapable of supporting more than a meagre crew… ”

- Ambrose Bierce
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